The specific recycling sign on the labels shows whether that product is recyclable. Each of the three arrows that form a triangle is a step in the recycling process: collecting and processing, manufacturing, buying recycled products. Thus, this sign, the Moebius loop, is the international symbol of recycling.Selective collection is part of the recycling process, through which recyclable materials are collected and transported to recycling centers. The recycling process involves composting waste, separate collection and treatment of waste for reintroduction into the economic circuit.




Paints, wood varnishes, thinners

Solutions and sprays

Light bulbs and other lighting sources


Car parts



Paper waste

Plastic waste

Metal waste

Glass waste

Textile waste

Wood waste

Biodegradable waste

Construction waste
This is an important operation for the company Eco Recycling, through which we obtain a high percentage of valuable waste that can be recycled afterwards.It includes the disposal and pre-disposal of hazardous, solid waste, including potentially explosive, oxidizing, flammable, toxic, irritating, carcinogenic, corrosive, infectious and other harmful substances and solutions.

The shipment of waste includes the movement of waste, by specialized means, from the places of production or collection to the places of intermediate storage, recovery or final disposal.The company will collect and transport the hazardous waste, as a result of the activity, in specialized vehicles. The transport of hazardous waste, accumulated in the Temporary Landfill of Hazardous Waste, will be carried out to authorized storage places with a frequency corresponding to the accumulation of this waste. Depending on the quantities and hazardousness of the waste, specific measures will be implemented to avoid the risks induced by the transport of hazardous waste.

Waste recovery includes any operation or sequence of dismantling, sorting, cutting, shredding, pressing, baling, recovery / regeneration of solvents performed on a waste by industrial processes, in order to transform it into a secondary raw material or energy source.The Eco Recycling team has the following recovery solutions:
Material recovery: glass, plastic, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, minerals.
The recovery process of sorted recyclable materials is carried out in the following stages: collection, transportation, crushing, washing, compaction, obtaining finished products represented by recyclable materials usable in construction, scrap metal from scaffolding, recoverable at their recovery centers, and sterile materials usable for filling gaps created by the exploitation of ballast materials.

The Republic of Moldova generates a huge amount of waste every year, many of them being very dangerous, as they contain various toxic and carcinogenic substances. For this reason, they must be collected separately and destroyed.Unlike residues that can be recycled and reintroduced into a recovery circuit, in the case of potentially hazardous materials, the most efficient and beneficial solution is their controlled disposal, in conditions of maximum safety.
Waste is destroyed only in cases where the materials are not useful in terms of reuse in other production segments or energy value. Therefore, not only hazardous waste goes through the process of collection and disposal, but also those that, for some reason, cannot be recycled.
This category includes, but is not limited to, confidential documents and archives, non-recyclable plastic waste, and biodegradable waste.
The main purpose of waste disposal is to remove harmful effects such as pollution of water, soil and atmosphere, the spread of infections and the proliferation of insects and rodents. Secondarily, regarding the recovery of waste, the central objectives are: the development of the market for secondary raw materials, the promotion of waste recovery, the overall reduction of the volume of waste and the support of the use of the products resulting from the recovery process.